收视:ABC决定继续播放kyle xy,收视率看涨
ABC has decided to keep airing Friday reruns of ABC Family's Kyle XY past the four episodes the net had originally planned. The ABC Family sci-fi drama, which premiered July 26 to 2.6 million viewers--an ABC Family channel high--has been running on parent ABC Fridays at 9 p.m., between America's Funniest Home Videos and 20/20.
Kyle has earned an average 4.6 million viewers in its Friday berth, and now ABC is extending the reruns to 10 episodes.
大概翻译:ABC决定继续播放kyle xy的重播(原计划只播4集),现在美国观众可以在每周五晚上9点在ABC台观看kyle xy了
kyle xy目前在ABC电视台周五重播的平均收视率为460万。而开头说的,周一在ABC family台的首播收视率也有260万人,加起来有720万了~~哈哈
注: abc family是子台,所以不是每个美国观众都能收看到。
kyle xy 会越走越好了~~~
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